Hello blog,
I haven't written in a little while.
So fun fact, it's still a little over a month til the wedding but I'm ALL FINISHED!
L and I have done heaps since my last entry.
Such as this sign:
Lyndon cut and shaped it and stained the wood, and I painted the words.
Well, apart from the wedding favours, which I'm not putting together until the week of the wedding.
But aside from that, I'm all done.
I wanted to write about how I did my table numbers, which was all DIY and took some time.
I also recently did the wedding playlist which took SO LONG! Oh my goodness.
I kept putting off because I knew it would take ages and I wasn't wrong!
But anyway, here is how I did my table numbers.
I started out by buying a bunch of card (that were the same as our wedding colours).
I then

I then hooked my laptop up to the TV and opened up a Word document.
I typed out all the numbers, the traced the numbers onto a scrap piece of paper.
Here you can see all the different numbers I traced.
Here's the Word document with the numbers on it on my laptop.
Then I traced over the indent on the card so I could more easily cut it out.
This is how it looked after I cut out all the numbers and with the second coloured card showing through.
The last step was gluing all the different cards together with glue stick.
I cut out two sets of each number so every card had a number on the front and back.
If I could do it again, I would have traced the numbers on the scrap of paper onto the card backwards, because some of the card got quite messy when I traced directly onto the card from the indent.
I don't know if that makes any sense.
But yes, that's how I did it!
It actually looks really good. It's amazing how using an actual font makes such a different.
Further more, I really don't know what else to write.
If you have ANY questions for me at all, you should ask!
I'm watching TV while writing this so I'm finding it hard to focus on more than one thing at once.
Here's a funny picture I took of something L wrote when he was 11 years old.
Til next time: